Thursday, January 27, 2011

Creative Baby Shower Invitations

Creative baby shower invitations present the idea of your baby shower party arrangements and your sense of imagination & excitement about this moment of joy. When it comes to “baby shower party”, it fills a person with thrill and enthusiasm. To prepare a creative baby shower invitation, it is advised to use the small baby stuff in pink, blue and miscellaneous colours. Baby bib, beaded hair pins, small little frocks & diapers, colourful balloons and teething rings are the perfect articles one can use for producing an imaginative baby shower invitation. However, you can get a creative card printed by implementing an artistic approach. Before dispatching an invitation via post, a colourful silk ribbon in the shape of a bow can be attached with a baby shower invitation card. To send an invitation via e-mail, one can produce a creative invitation by inserting the suggested material in a standard invitation card.

Creative Baby Shower Invitations:

(a)A little Pink baby bib to say “a little princess is one the way”!
Come and prepare the new mother for this great day!
You are cordially invited to join the baby shower honouring of Dona Smith:
Place: Simpson House, 23/9, Lane No: 5, Salt Lake City, New York, America
Date: Tuesday, January 24th, 2011
Time: 10:-11:30am
(b)All these birds are gathered and whispering
Anna & Charlie are preparing to welcome their unborn!
Please join the baby shower to bless the mother and the coming little angel on Sunday, January 23rd, 2011 at Spencer Villa, House No: 9, South Society, New York, America, sharp 1:00 pm.

Personalized Baby Shower Invitations

Personalized baby shower invitations are the perfect example of a well drafted invitation messages which are sent to the guests in order to celebrate baby shower parties. A personalized baby shower invitation includes the desired animated picture message, extracted quotes and required venue information. One can get the desired baby shower invitation personalized by choosing the required colour, pattern of the message with a little interesting prop such as a hairpin, small blue carriage, diaper or pink doll.

Personalized Baby Shower Invitations:

(a)All the twinkling stars are gathered to say that a little princess is on her way!
So let us gather and say “May God blesses the Unborn and the new mother”
Join us for the baby shower honouring Linda Smith on Saturday 22nd, 2011 at sharp 1:00- 3:00pm
Venue:  Hotel Scotland Yard, 3rd lane, Near South extension Apartments, New York, America
R.SV.P: Smith Family
(b) Bring the pink frocks and beaded hair pins, as Samantha & Peter Smith are expecting a little girl!
You are heartily invited to double the joy of baby shower juncture. Venue is as following:
Place: Smith Villa, 3rd Street, Salt Lake City, New York, America
Date: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
Time: 10:00 am – 2:00pm
Contact number: 6859 438 3839
(b)Oh Dear Boy! You are the most awaited moment of our life!
Come soon and give the wings to our joy!
Please join us for the baby shower party of Emma & George Timberlake.
Hotel Purple City, 2nd street, Holy Church Road, New York, America
On Saturday, January 22nd, 2011 at sharp 5:00pm


Best Baby Shower Invitations

Best baby shower invitations, as the name suggests, are the invitation designed with perfection by using suitable baby shower wording and an appropriate image. Such an invitation can be e- mailed or posted to announce the joyous occasion of baby shower and to invite the near & dear ones. To produce a best baby shower invitation, the expecting parents can take help from the experts. First of all, gather a few old baby shower invitation and work on the desired phrases & images. Ethnic sayings, amazing quotes or baby poems can serve the purpose, whereas you can choose a picture of cartoons, babies, expecting mother and flowers, etc appearing fine with the decided invitation wording. Use the suitable font style and size fitting in the standard format. Overall the best baby shower invitations should be drafted in such a manner so that it attracts the recipients in the first looks.

Best Baby Shower Invitations:

(a)A twinkling star is shining above and it is smiling on our baby with love! 
You are kindly requested to join the baby shower of Samantha & Bob Spencer. Please be with us to celebrate this great occasion.
Place: Spencer House, 78/ L, Street No: 8, Near Wilson Plaza, New York, America
Date: January 25th, 2011
Time: sharp 4:00pm
R.S.V.P: Spencer & Allison Family!
(b) So sweet, cute, cuddly and Fun, It’s a baby shower for Sarah, Her new life has begun!
Emma & William are gladly announcing their baby shower and inviting you to be with them to make this juncture more special. The venue is: 
Place: Hotel Hilton, Lane No: 2/ G, Cathedral Road, Salt Lake City, New York, America     
Date: January 26th, 2011
Time: 4:00- 6:00pm  
Please respond us at: 6859 686 5833               

Tea Party Baby Shower Invitations

Tea Party baby shower invitations are sent by the expecting parents to invite the relatives, friends and colleagues on the great occasion of baby shower to enjoy together with hot tea sips. Such an invitation message consists of attractive baby shower announcement, pleasant tea party invitation wording and venue for the juncture along with the contact details. To make a unique tea party baby shower invitation, one can browse through the invitation websites and card galleries to grab an idea. Images of a new born baby girl or a boy, tea party pictures along with rainbows, flowers and birds can be considered to personalize an invitation. However, a number of available baby shower invitations can be downloaded and re-drafted by including a tea party invitation quotes. A tea party baby shower invitation can be either dispatched via post or can be e-mailed.    

Tea Party Baby Shower Invitations:   

(a)A hot cup of tea with some goodies too, please come and joys the baby shower or we really miss you!  You are cordially invited to share the pleasure of Emma Smith’s baby shower. Be there with us at: 
Place: Smith House, No: 9 /L, Street No: 2, Salt Lake City, New York, America
Date: January 25th, 2011 
Time: 5:00-7:00 pm
R.S. V.P: Smith Family
(b) A little shining star is going to born some day, Join us for a tea party to celebrate this great day!  Laura & Jerry Hilton are proudly announcing their baby shower and you are invited to double the joy! Venue is as following:   
Hilton Mention, Housing Society, Bakers Street, New York, America 
On January 26th, 2011 at sharp 4:00pm
Please respond us to Jerry Hilton at 6859 686 6869 



Trendy Baby Shower Invitations

Trendy baby shower invitations are one of the stylish and precise baby shower invitations, which are used to invite the people nowadays. A trendy baby shower invitation can either be a handmade card or be an e-card. To draft a trendy baby shower messages, a person needs to choose a stylish font, designer format of the invitation and unique sophisticated images to print on the invitation. Colourful butterflies, cute bubbles, chirping birds, rainbow and amazing cartons are the major objects which are usually printed on the trendy invitation cards. However, you can download a number of trendy baby shower invitations from the internet absolutely free. Furthermore, a wonderful stylish card can be created by obtaining an idea from the available invitations. These elegant modern baby shower invitations look very cool as these come in small standard sizes.

Trendy Baby Shower Invitations:   
(a)Little babies are the blessings of the God!  We are joyfully announcing the arrival of our little angel!
Your kind presence is requested on this great occasion of baby shower honouring Emily Windsor. Please be with us at:
Hotel Hilton, Street No: 2, Bakers Mall, New York, America
On Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
At sharp 9:00-10:00 am
R.S.V.P: Windsor Family
(b) Pink butterflies, pink bubbles, little eyes, little dream, I saw an angel saying it’s a baby girl! 
Emma and Harry Scot are gladly inviting you to be present on the baby shower at:
Scot House, South Extension, Near Spencer Street, New York, America
On Monday, January 24th, 2011
At sharp 1:00- 3:00pm
Contact number: 7690 849 4843  


Funny Baby Shower Invitations

Funny baby shower messages are the combination of delightful quotes, humorous picture messages and present the sense of humour of the sender. One can draft a funny baby shower invitation by using various humorous quotes or these invitations can be extracted from the internet. To prepare a funny invitation, you need to be focused on the hilarious image you have chosen, or you need to write some jolly invitation content along with the suitable invitation format. A nude little baby, pregnant mother in a comic pose, combination of funny teddies and balloons are best to print at the background or on the top of the invitation. A funny baby shower message must consist of amusing expression to leave a memorable impression on the mind of a reader.  
Funny Baby Shower Invitations:
(a)The time has come to say bye to sleepy warm night’s .Get ready to listen to a baby’s cries! 
Martha and James are inviting you to bless their little unborn baby and pray for the safer delivery. Please be with us at:
Timberlake Mention, Lane No: 9, Salt Lake City, New York, America
Date: January 23rd, 2011
Time: sharp 4:00- 6-00 pm    
Contact number: 5849 493 4849
(b)To love, pamper, cuddle and adore! This is all a little baby is made for!
Join us at a baby shower for Samantha & Peter Hudson. Venue is:
Place: Spencer House, Near Bakers Mall, Cathedral Road, New York, America
Date: Monday, January 24th, 2011
Time: sharp 12:00- 2:00 pm
R.S.V.P: Hudson & Spencer family 


Find here some more baby shower invitations

Princess Baby Shower Invitations

Princess baby shower invitations consist of interesting invitation phrases, wonderful images and inventive formats. These invitations are exclusively used for inviting the near & dear ones to share the joy of a coming unborn baby girl. This is the special style to clue people and to welcome the little baby. Colourful bows, sparking tiaras, shining stars and princess in fairy dress are the main objects should be used while printing or purchasing any princess baby shower invitation card. Pink is the one special colour which should be used with a combination of white, red, purple to prepare the format of the invitation. If the invitations are in the form of cards, one can place colourful ribbon bows, artificial crowns and can stick images of little princess on the card to double its attraction. 

Princess Baby Shower Invitations:  

(a)Bring the pink dress, giggle the curls, Do you hear it is a baby girl!
Joan and Dave are expecting a little princess. Let us gather and bless the new parents and pray for the coming baby at:
Hotel Maria, Lane No: 9, Spencer Street, New York America
Day & date: Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
Time: sharp 5pm 
R.S.V.P: Dave & Family 

(b) Our princess lives in our dreams we are waiting eagerly to meet this little queen!
Fairies on the invitation gathered to say you are heartily invited to celebrate this great day!
Please join us for the baby shower occasion of Elisabeth Timberlake:
Timberlake House, No: 90-P, Street No: 89, New York, America
On Monday, January 24th, 2011 at sharp 3:00pm 
Contact number: 6859 474 3838    

Online Baby Shower Invitations

Online baby shower invitations are sent to the relatives and close friends by online e- cards and messages. One can find a wide collection of online baby shower invitations created with exclusive images and wonderful invitation phrases at ease. Some online baby shower invitations can be downloaded for free, whereas some special collections of this category are available at affordable prices. If someone is interested to purchase an online invitation by specifying the special venue details, images and special invitation quotes, this can be done by placing an order for a particular quantity. Humorous invitations, funny & jolly online e-cards and sentimental & religious invitations are the main categories of the baby shower invitations. However, most of the online baby shower invitation e- cards come with interesting music.  
Online Baby Shower Invitations:           
(a)Babies are the best gift of God to us,
We are expecting a beautiful fairy who is coming to delight us!
You are invited to double the joy of baby shower occasion honouring Brenda Smith
At Lincoln Plaza, Pink Road, Near Bakers Street, New York, America
On Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
Sharp 10- 11:30 am
(b)Let us have a great time and enjoy drink & food together!
Expecting a baby boy filled us with thrill & joy,
Please help us to say hello to our little one in style! 
Emma & Harry Simpson are celebrating the arrival of their new unborn baby. Join us at:
Simpson, Mention, No: 78, Down Lake Street, Sunshine Road, New York, America
Date: on Monday, January 24th, 2011 
Time: sharp 10 am- 12:20pm